Worms inside mouth!!!! See what happening

The treatment was performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons of our hospital. The patient was hospitalized for 3 days. The treatment included flushing the affected area with turpentine oil followed by the administration of local anesthesia and manual removal of maggots with tweezers.

Around 50–60 maggots were harvested. Teeth 12 and 21 were extracted. The area was then washed with saline, followed by irrigation with betadine. Broad spectrum antibiotics amoxycillin with clavaualnic acid and ibuprofen with paracetamol were prescribed.

This procedure was repeated again until the maggots were completely removed. The next day the edema had subsided considerably. The parents were given extensive environmental and personal hygiene instructions. The maggots were sent to a Veterinary Parasitology Department in Chennai Veterinary College for identification.

The maggots were 12–15-mm long, whitish and without obvious body processes. The peritreme of the posterior spiracle was open and the anterior spiracle had four to six lobes. These features were compatible with Chrysomya bezziana larvae. The larvae were thus identified as Chrysomya bezziana species. The wound was left open to heal by secondary intention. The patient was reviewed 1 week later and the results were satisfactory.