Watch : Black Zit Excised On The Back

This sweet gentleman accompanied by his wife and sister in law is visiting family in California for the holidays, having travelled from Chicago via train! During this visit, they scheduled an appointment with me with encouragement from his wife’s other sister (Tracy, HI Tracy!!) who couldn’t be present but who is a popaholic!

He has this cyst on his back which was previously removed by a dermatologist in Illinois when it was much smaller, but it has returned and has grown bigger. Tracy has watched many of my videos on YouTube, and recommended that he see us. Thank you Tracy, for sending your family to us! We tried to take extra great care of them, they are so sweet, and we are lucky that you have heard of us! Only sorry that we couldn’t meet you as well! The power of the internet!

Many people have asked why the internal contents of this cyst as well as the cyst wall are so dark. The complete answer is “I don’t really know”. However, I DO know that I see darker cyst contents in darker-skinned individuals. Although this man’s skin is light in color, he is African American. And this makes sense, since epidermoid cysts contain macerated keratin which is essentially skin cells. Also the wall of the sac is composed of squamous epithelium (like the skin covering our body), and so if this skin is darker in pigment, I wouldn’t be surprised that the cyst wall is dark in color as well. I have seen African American patients with dark cysts and light cysts. However, I have yet to see a Caucasian with a dark cyst, though.

Try over the counter pain meds. While resting an elevating your leg, medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and aspirin can help ease some of the pain.

Ask your doctor to drain the cyst. In order toget the cyst removed, you need a doctor to drain it. If your baker’s cyst does not respond to the R.I.C.E. method, see a doctor about having it removed medically.

– The fluid will be drained from your knee using a needle. While this is not extremely painful, many people find the activity anxiety-inducing. If you fear needles, as a friend or family member to come with you for support.

– Once the doctor drains the fluid, the baker’s cyst should be gone. However, there is a chance the cyst will reoccur in the future. Talk to your doctor about any underlying health conditions that might have caused the cyst.

Participate in physical therapy. After the cyst is drained, your doctor might recommend you engage in regular physical therapy. Gentle motion, guided by a trained therapist, can help you get your joints back in form. It can also help address any issues that caused the cyst to develop. Ask your doctor for a recommendation for a physical therapist after your cyst is drained.

Coping with Ovarian Cysts

atch and wait. Ovarian cysts are fluid filled sacs found on the surface of the ovaries. Unfortunately, ovarian cysts can be difficult to remove. The best approach after the initial diagnosis is to watch and wait.

– Some ovarian cysts may go away on their own. Your doctor might want you to wait and then get reexamined after a few months have passed.

– Your doctor will have to monitor the cyst on a regular basis to see if it’s changed in size. After a certain point, medical intervention may be necessary.

Ask about birth control pills. Birth control pills are usually the first course of action to lessen ovarian cysts. Ask your doctor about getting a prescription for hormonal birth control pills.

– Hormonal birth control pills can decrease the size of existing cysts and prevent further cysts from developing. They also decrease the risk of ovarian cancer, especially if you take them for a long duration.

– Birth control comes in a variety of formulations and dosing schedules. Some allow for a monthly bleed, and others for less frequent bleeding. Some have iron supplementation, and others do not. It is imperative to talk with your primary care provider to discuss which option fits with your lifestyle, goals, and overall health and history.

– Some women experience side effects like breast tenderness, mood swings, or bleeding between periods when they first start taking hormonal birth control. These side effects usually lessen after a few months.