An Amazing Cyst Removed By Dr Pimple Popper

Epidermoid cysts, also called sebaceous, keratin, or epithelial cysts, are small, hard lumps that develop under the skin. These cysts are common. They grow slowly. They do not cause other symptoms and are nearly never cancerous. Epidermoid cysts are often found on the face, head, neck, back, or genitals.

Sebaceous cysts form out of your sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland produces the oil called sebum that coats your hair and skin. Cysts can develop if the gland or its duct, the passage where oil is able to leave, becomes damaged or blocked. This usually occurs due to a trauma to the area.

They are most often found on the face, neck, upper back, and upper chest, but can occur on other sites of the body as well. Usually a sebaceous cyst grows very slowly and doesn’t cause pain. However, they can become inflamed or infected, with the overlying skin becoming red, tender, and sore.

To cure sebaceous cysts, apply some anti-fungal cream directly on the infected area and cover it with a clean piece of cloth or bandage, if necessary. It helps in reducing inflammation and itching. Turmeric is a good herbal remedy for curing cysts. It is an alternative method to treat cyst.